The role of a CISO is business oriented | Ross Leo, Master Consultant in Healthcare Information Security
In this episode of CISO Insiders, we welcome Ross Leo, Master Consultant in Healthcare Information Security, for an exciting and eye-level conversation about his journey into cybersecurity, advice for young cybersecurity professionals just starting out, and the evolution of the role of CISO.
Podcast highlights:
What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a career similar to yours?
- You have to explore your undiscovered passion in life & find things that excite you. For me it was solving problems, bringing in solutions & finding new ways to put things together. If you follow your passion, the results can be very rewarding. What I would recommend is to have a passion & not have a rigid mindset and focus on solving certain kinds of cybersecurity problems that our society faces today.
Thoughts on the role of the CISO in the IT department
- If you really want to protect the information, you will need a broader vision that goes beyond being stuck in the IT department. A CISO being stuck in the IT department might limit the way you tackle the problem at hand. The role of a CISO is business oriented. It’s all about the business & the information that the particular business holds. Being focused on the business itself & knowing its value tackles a wider range of concerns.
00:35 Guest Introduction and professional journey
02:04 Icebreakers
03:36 What’s one thing you wish you would have known before starting your cybersecurity career?
05:30 Your biggest failure & accomplishment.
12:06 What advice would you give to someone who wants to pursue a cybersecurity career similar to yours?
17:24 Thoughts on the role of the CISO in the IT department
23:44 What were the resources that worked for you when it comes to learning cybersecurity?
26:03 Debunking one common myth about cybersecurity
30:38 The main concerns of CISO & focus points
36:36 How the role of the CISO is evolving?
39:28 What should cybersecurity vendors stop doing?
43:00 Closing comments
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