The Disasters You Can Avoid by Tackling Cybersecurity on Time

Published December 2, 2024.

We tend to put off preventative measures whenever possible. Even when we know better, we often put ourselves in reactionary position against threats rather than taking a proactive, grab-life-by-the-horns approach. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to understand how this happens: You’re swamped with other projects critical to your development and you’re probably trying to save cash where you can, waiting to take on some issues until they just can’t be put off any longer.
But when it comes to cybersecurity, that point may already be too late. If you adopt a reactionary stance to cyberthreats, you’re likely to find yourself in hot water with nothing to shield you from the consequences. Whatever plans you had in mind moving forward must then be sidelined as you try to weather the storm.
So, why let things get so out of hand? The vast majority of cyberthreats can be stopped before they begin simply by investing in cybersecurity services before you find yourself targeted in any way. Here are some of the different disasters that can be prevented by tackling cybersecurity early on:
Infrastructure Damage
The most obvious is damage to the foundation of your business: its infrastructure. This could be an attack on your website, the destruction of important databases or even a virus that manages to corrupt all the computers in your workplace. This kind of cyber disaster essentially stops your development cold and forces you to take a 90-degree turn.
What went wrong? What is the extent of the damage? Can your hard work be recovered or will you have to spend time putting it all back together again? These are all questions you frantically ask yourself as it becomes abundantly clear that putting off any serious cybersecurity measures has cost you too much in your most precious commodity: time.
Financial Damage
But cyberattacks and damages cost you in another significant way: your cash flow. The most important thing for any growing business is its bottom line – that’s why it’s called the bottom line. Cyberthreats not only incur costs to repair whatever damage was done; there is also mitigation to think about, those desperate attempts to minimize damage when damage has already been done. On top of it all, any cyberattack causes significant disruption to your business operations, which inevitably has a direct impact on your sales and clientele. The question then becomes: for how long? If operations are miraculously compromised for just a day or two, you’re one of the lucky ones.
Reputational Damage
In today’s market, much rides on being perceived as a dependable and secure business. The general public is more wary than ever of companies mishandling their data and most business clients will choose to work with the most reliable companies and products over ones with a less-secure innovation.
People across the globe are becoming exceedingly dependent on certain technologies and services, making it crucial that those technologies and services are safe. Being hit in an attack, even once, can have a detrimental impact on your reputation. This impact gets even worse if it becomes clear that you could have done more to prevent the attack, including cybersecurity measures and complying with safety standards and regulations.
Legal Damage
In cases where your business wasn’t the only entity to suffer damage or you’re found to be non compliant with safety standards and regulations, you could find yourself in deep legal trouble on top of everything else. This may include expensive lawsuits or even government intervention in some instances.
Out of all these disasters, the legal one is perhaps the most feared by entrepreneurs, as it eats up resources for an indefinite period of time. Legal proceedings could take several months to reach a conclusion in the best of circumstances. Often times, a cyberattack will result in all of the disasters listed above to one degree or another. The key to mitigating this risk is not reaction, but preemption.