ISO 27001
Show your cybersecurity maturity from early stages
What is it?
ISO 27001 is a massive undertaking, and as your scope grows, the complexities make it even harder to manage. And if you have a decentralized management approach, it’s even more complicated. Achieving and maintaining ISO 27001 is a major challenge and most of your customers in the US and EU see it as a mandatory requirement, and you’re likely to encounter it in any and all legal documents and engagements.

Why us?
GRSee Consulting takes the load off of you, managing the entire process end to end. We plot out the “path of least resistance” for attaining the initial certification. With our gap analysis, we get to know your organization inside and out, assessing precisely where you stand relative to the demands of the ISO 27001 compliance standard.
Based on the results, we create a detailed work plan to ready your organization for the audit, while guiding you through the readiness phase, the pre-audit phase and representing you during the audit, leading to rapid certification the first time around. Once ISO 27001 is achieved, we have a program to ensure continuous compliance and make any adjustments needed to the certification as you scale or add business units.
For more information contact us now.

Fun Fact
We have 100% success in preparing clients for audits.